gillian dot org


AR/VR character

Mood Boards

Mood Boards

Album Cover

Band Logo

three girls ride a kraken in the open ocean under a big moon. one plays a violin, one stands like neptune's angel into the wind, the third converses with their friend who was so gracious as to bring them to that which they seek

Album Jacket/Disc

Panel Guest Artist

work for the Department of Financial Services

App Graphics

work for the Department of Financial Services

Streamline, Design, CSS

wine label auction banner depicting art as an investment

Print Banner

The Heart of A Great University: The Library. Registrar Max Carraway's last Bulletin cover. The first bulletin cover to have more than one picture, to have a picture of sports, and to have a photoshop amalgamation picture of what Max knew was possible in this world (lower right.)

Cover Design, Typesetting